The Walking Dead is one of the longest-running series in recent television history. In some seasons, the ratings are down, but they keep watching. The first season of the show aired in 2010, with the 11th and final season starting on August 22 and possibly ending in 2022. As you know, The Walking Dead is one of those season-break series, so none of the seasons ended in the year it began, except for the first six-episode season.
In the extended trailer for the final season, we get an idea of what we’re going to see in this latest season. In addition to the show’s lead cast, we finally see the improved Commonwealth community, and in addition to that, we meet new masked enemies.
While season 11 is the show’s final season, the show’s executive producer Angela Kang says they haven’t decided on the ending yet, and the final episode hasn’t been written yet.
The Walking Dead series will end, but with three separate The Walking Dead films and its side sequences, the story seems to be going on somehow.
The latest season of The Walking Dead will consist of a total of 24 episodes.