Dc Cinematic Universe‘s most extraordinary team Suicide Squad has been unveiled with its revaated cast, storyline and director. Critics who watched the film’s preview shared the first reviews from the film, and DCEU began to reveal a James Gunn effect. Of course, it’s worth noting that we don’t make a definitive judgment without watching the film ourselves, but the initial reviews are very positive. The first reviews of The Suicide Squad,which is also interpreted as a film that the DC Cinematic Universe can build on, are as follows:
Jenna Anderson (Comicbook): There’s a lot of revolutionary stuff in The Suicide Squad. From the extraordinary coming together of the cast to the processing of this absurd story. But the most unrealistic element was that the film showcased the boundless potential of the DC Universe. It feels like curiosity, with hours of looking at past numbers in the local comic book store. Not only did The Suicide Squad raise the bar, but it also explained how a superhero movie would turn forgotten and weird comic book characters into superstars and get the credit they deserve. I’ve never had such a love for source material in a superhero movie in my life. If no one likes it this time, I’ll be the one disappointed.
Michael Rougeau (Gamespot): The Suicide Squad is one of the most entertaining and surprisingly modern DC movies. In the middle, warner bros. has an opportunity to give talented filmmakers a chance again. Because the results are really special.
Joshua Yehl (IGN): It’s not like a remake of The Suicide Squad 2016. This movie is a complete remake. I can tell you that they succeeded this time. With irrelevant, extremely wild F-level villains, we’ve seen DC’s best film in years.
Alonso Duralde (The Wrap): The Suicide Squad is not perfect in any sense. But just like the Deadpool movies, it’s one of the best indicators of what can happen in a superhero movie. With its 18+ brutality, the d-province used and its own atmosphere, Gunn’s latest work is wonderful, albeit occasionally bored.
Molly Freeman (ScreenRant): It was the kind of filmmaking that rewarded fans. It is aimed at new and ordinary audiences and appeals to its own audience. As a result, The Suicide Squad was quite delicious and a great pleasure to watch for everyone.
Olly Richards (Empire): The Suicide Squad is an absurd idea as a head. To get government work done by bringing together second- or lower-level DC supervillains with pretty stupid superpowers. It’s a ridiculous idea, even in a world of heroes flying in their underwear! David Ayer’s 2016 film didn’t have enough respect for this absurdity. That movie tried to bend its concept. James Gunn understood that. His interpretation of The Suicide Squad was funny, but critically never stupid, regardless of shame. The most important point was his basic point. Which is really, really fun.
Reading such positive reviews about The Suicide Squad has delighted people who are tired of watching ordinary comic book movies. Anyway, the film’s first opening on Rotten Tomatoes started with 100%, which is extremely rare. All of the first 43 reviews were positive. James Gunn’s humorous action with GOTG seems to have worked just right for The Suicide Squad. I hope we can enjoy it when we see the movie.