Blue BOX Game Studios, an independent studio, was known to develop a horror game exclusive to PlayStation 5. After mysterious posts by the studio on Twitter, such as “Let’s take your guesses, initials S, last letter L,” the producers, often referred to as Silent Hill, were in a very troubled state. The team developing Abandonedsaid last night, “Are you ready? We are ready.”
Mysterious PlayStation 5 exclusive game Abandoned finally revealed
With the team’s latest post, it shouldn’t be too hard to predict that the game will probably be clarified in August. After the recent events, BLUE BOX Game Studios seems to have unintentionally or willingly made its name to a very large audience of players. Although the studio deleted its post after the out-of-control Silent Hill rumors, Hasan Kahraman of BLUE BOX Game Studios introduced himself on Twitter and said that he was not a fake, that he had not communicated with Hideo Kojima in any way; He also reported that they weren’t working on Silent Hill.
On top of that, things got bigger and various new theories were put forward. Theories did not end after the players discovered that hasan Kahraman’sinitials were “HK” and that the meaning of the word Hideo was “Hero”. Unable to prevent the event after the endless theory that emerged, BLUE BOX Game Studios seems to have been able to convince the players a little bit after all their posts that they had not developed Silent Hill and had no connection to Hideo Kojima. While there’s still a huge audience of actors who believe in Silent Hill, that long wait seems to be coming to an end.
The first announcement trailer for the game was posted by the official PlayStation YouTube account on April 7, 2021. Blue BOX Game Studios has also released some information on the gameplay side of the game. The studio stated on its official Twitter account that there will be no HUD in the game, while it will have the next generation of graphics and will work in a way that is 4k 60 FPS. Abandoned, the mysterious PlayStation 5 exclusive, looks set to be revealed after months and hundreds of theories. The expectation of the next generation of players is very high by PlayStation, which has marked the last generation with its quality special games. For blue box game studios’ mysterious special, all that remains is waiting.