Square Enix announced on E3 that it had decided to remake the first 6 games of the Final Fantasy series under the name Pixel Remaster, and the first 3 of these games debuted a few days ago. Immediately after the exit, they were bombarded with scrutiny by the players.
In Metacritic, the average of player reviews is 3.9 pointsfor the PC version of the first game, 0.8 pointsfor the iOS version, 1.4 pointsfor the PC version of game 2, 0 pointsfor the iOS version, 2.2 pointsfor the PC version of game 3, and 0 points for the iOS version. Of course, it is easy to reach such speculative values when the number of votes cast is small.
The reason final Fantasy Pixel Remaster games are bombarded with reviews is neither the font preference, which was the subject of discussion before their release, nor the technical difficulties experienced. In fact, the release of the games was initially welcomed by fans of the series. But there’s a group that’s not happy about it. There is a very different reason why they lower the average of player reviews in Metacritic: the lack of console versions of games. At least that’s how the commentators expressed themselves.
Looking at the reviews on Steam, it seems that the games have a positive/ very positive rating.
From time to time, we see that some productions sit at the target of the actors’ criticism arrows. Of course, there is not much chance to object when such criticisms are made on the grounds of technical problems, misleading advertisements, and non-keeping of promises, but it is not that we have not seen the games buried too much by overreacting sometimes. Best of all, I think it’s best to be able to strike a balance once in a while and make every game properly evaluated, what do you say, dear Gamers?