Daniel Z Klein, the chief game designer of Apex Legends, was fired from Respawn Entertainment in 2007 after offensive blog posts surfaced. Screenshots of those messages were posted to Twitter last month and contained condescending remarks about women and Africans.
Klein said in a statement July 28, “I was confronted with some horrible messages I wrote on a blog in 2007. I accept what I say, and I’m very angry, sorry and ashamed of my younger self for saying these things. I hope it’s clear that I don’t believe in these things anymore.”
Klein’s colleague Ryan K Rigney backed Klein, saying that one person’s comments in 2007 would not reflect his 2021 status, but that people were growing and developing.
Klein announced his severing ties with Respawn in a tweet last night.
“As of Friday, I no longer work at Respawn. You may or may not have seen those horrible things you said in 2007. I firmly believe that the person who said those words should be fired. But I’ve put a lot of energy into being a better person ever since, and I’m so sorry right now because I’m under the thought that I’m never going to make it up to you. I said racist and sexist things, not because I believed them deeply, but because I knew you’d get a reaction. It’s not an excuse, no matter what I believed, the words I chose had the same effect.
I’m saying this because sometimes, no matter how fucked up I am, I’ve made great progress towards becoming a better person with the help of people who love me. If my story helps even a person in a similar position to be better, I have served a purpose.”
EA has yet to comment on Klein’s firing from Respawn.
We’ve seen people write or say things at a young age that turn their lives upside down years later. Whether people change or not, I leave you the answer to the question of how much mistakes made years ago should affect today:)