Dead By Daylight will allegedly add Pinhead,the main villain in the Hellraiser series, to its recently added popular villains team. DBD previously attracted attention with a Resident Evil Dead By Daylight cut from the Silent Hill universe, including Pyramid Head and Nemesis.
Dead by Daylight could be new character Pinhead
Allegations of a Dead by Daylight and Hellraiser intersecting followed an audio file added to the game’s Discord channel. It was claimed that the word that appeared by putting the audio file on a spectrogram revealed the words HELL, and the oral version of the file put on Twitter revealed the words RAISE.
On top of that, details of a trailer posted on the game’s official YouTube channel claim that the 1987 issue, which was a combination of 19.87, pointed to the date hellraiser’s first film was released.
The floral-like red image in the background, shown in the trailer, allegedly resembled objects used to summon members of the Cernobities cult, including Pinhead. Even more focused on this mystery, a DBD fan took a look at the game’s Chinese YouTube channel, claiming to have found Hellraiser in the video title.