Crusader Kings III is undoubtedly one of the best strategy games of recent years. I told him at length how much I liked it and why I liked it so much, so I don’t have to start again now, or I’ll write pages and pages again 🙂 Long story short, anyone who says they love strategy games should give it a shot. Now that another obstacle has been removed (if you see it as an obstacle), console players will now be able to play CK 3 as well.
Although no official announcement has been made yet, as with many games before, the Taiwan Digital Game Rating Committee has rated CK 3 for PS5, Xbox Series and Xbox One. Again, as we have seen in previous examples, it is very likely that an official announcement will follow.
CK3 debuted for PC in September last year. The game’s first expansion, “The Royal Court,”was announced in May and is expected to debut in the coming months. For the console version, we will wait for the official announcement. I don’t know how to play on consoles, how to replace the mouse+keyboard duo. But if so, the enthusiast will now be able to play CK 3 on PS5 or Xbox as well.