The world of esports has now expanded tremendously. This sport, which started its life with simple tournaments, now manifests itself in all kinds of games that come up. Even Farming Simulator has esports tournaments nowadays. So why would a cute game like Stardew Valley be deprived of such fun?
Developer ConcernedApe has finally revealed the details of the Stardew Valley Cup tournament. The tournament, which will be held in confection with the broadcaster ElementpassableZ, will host “Stardew Valley’s most passionate players”. These head-to-head players will be waiting for a prize pool of $40,000. The community’s most beloved broadcasters will also take part in this tournament.
Elementpassable Z announced about the tournament that the teams will compete on more than 100 phased missions. In all of these missions, there will be points distributions based on their difficulties. The contestants who collect the most points will be eligible to advance to the next round.
The tournament, which will be attended by many broadcasters, will start on September 4th at 19:00 Turkish time.