Crysis Remastered pirate protection will not apply to the Steam version of the game. Crytek stated that the game will come to the Steam platform this fall, adding this detail about pirate protection. Crysis remastered came to epic games platform last year.
Crysis Remastered pirate protection not available on Steam version
It’s unclear whether the protection in crysis remastered’s Epic Games version will also be removed, but the same can be applied to the Epic Games version when the game is released on Steam without pirate protection. The computer version of Crysis Remastered supports DLSS.
Crysis Remastered features highly advanced designs and spaces in the original game and high-quality texture coatings. It also came with improved lighting, screen space directional closure, motion blur.
There is also an in-game “Can it Run Crysis?” graphics setting option. Exclusive to the PC version of the game, this mode is an option that removes limits on the game’s graphics settings at the expense of spending up to the last drop of your computer’s system, reminiscent of the period when the original Crysis came out.