Destiny 2 players again found a spectacular bug, giving Bungie a headache. With the updates that came with the new season, two pieces of Exotic armor led to the emergence of an incredible DPS. In the season that has just started, these two pieces of armor were immediately suspended.
In fact, it all begins with the innovations bungie brought to the Titan class. The developer who made throwing hammer talent quite powerful obviously couldn’t predict the power of this sledgehammer. That’s because players can use some specific bonuses to achieve the game’s highest DPS figure of 9,999,999 damage. In the video below, we’ll even see you throwing your talent at the hardest bosses.
Add to that equation a piece of exotic armor called Wormgod Caress, and it gets messy. Thanks to a new bug in the game, you can bounce the sledgeop between your character and the boss. When multipleiers that add high damage are activated, it is possible to throw them alone.
Bungie has now shelved hunter-class radiant dance machine and exotic armor pieces called Wormgod Caress.