Disney wants to crown the Legend of Rocketeer with a new film. This new film, The Return of The Rocketeer, will be released exclusively on Disney+. Deadline claims the film will be directed by David and Jessica Oyelowo. The film’s script will include Ed Ricourt.
Oyelowo allegedly thought of himself for the lead role. In this film, we’re not going to see the original story, we’re going to see another character replacing Rocketeer. On the other hand, this character will be just as talented a pilot as in the original film. We’ve seen Oyelowo before in films like Selma and The Water Man. Ricourt, on the other hand, had done a job that received a lot of positive reviews, such as Now You See Me.
The original 1991 film starred Billy Campbell and Jennifer Connelly. Rocketeer, who made his name among the first superheroes on the big screen, was also eye-catching with his art deco art design. In this film, we were watching a talented pilot named Cliff fight the evil after he found the jetpack and helmet.