Microsoft will host an Xbox presentation at the Tokyo Game Showin late September. Promising some exclusive news to its users in Japan and Asia, the company was coming up with SEGA and Hideo Kojima. The average 50-minute Xbox presentation on the official website of the Tokyo Game Show, which will be held on September 30, 2021, is aimed at Japan and Asia; Some news may be of direct interest to us.
Xbox to take part in Tokyo Game Show
The Xbox event, which will take place on September 30, 2021 at 12:00 p.m., will last an average of 50 minutes. Although there have recently been rumors that Microsoft will buy SEGA, a Japanese company, or that it and Hideo Kojima are developing a new cloud-based game; Aaron Greenberg, a Microsoft employee, has said there will be no major announcements or announcements. With the show focusing more on players in Japan and Asia, we may see future Japanese/Asian games or various Xbox Game Pass announcements coming to Xbox.
Considering that Tango Gameworks (the developer team of The Evil Within), a studio owned by Microsoft in Japan (via Zenimax/Bethesda), is developing Ghostwire: Tokyo, a playstation exclusive game, and they are working very hard due to the news of the postponement, we can expect that no new announcements will come from Tango Gameworks. If you’re an Xbox user and love Japanese/Asian games, the Xbox presentation on September 30, 2021 can be a 50-minute stay you shouldn’t miss.