It’s safe to say Titanfall 2’s nose doesn’t get rid of dirt. Previously, Titanfall playershad hacked Apex Legends to try to make their voices heard to draw attention to the use of cheating in the game. The latest in Titanfall’s battle with cheaters and hackers requires players not to open the game.
Last night, a message posted by the Twitter account Titanfall Forever — and currently unavailable — announced that hackers had taken over the admin panel of the Titanfall 2 and Apex Legend servers, and that if the carving was entered, not only your account, but your computer or console would be at the mercy of the hackers.
Respawn advised Titanfall 2 players to calm down
According to Respawn, the problem is being investigated, and there is no problem to be alarmed by. But until the problem is resolved, players may have crash problems due to a crack in the server. The servers of both Titanfall games are under such intense hacker attack that the first game is reportedly unplayable.
A similar hacker attack previously affected CS:GO, Team Fortress 2, and Portal 2. Respawn says there is no problem that requires players to delete the game, but the problem they are trying to solve is an attack that will cause the game to crash.
The Titanfall Forever account deleted the tweet, “Don’t open Titanfall 2, delete the game!” and thanked Respawn for dealing with the issue.