Rampart, perhaps the only character who may not find his place in the metadata among the new characters of Apex Legends, is preparing to get stronger with the new event. Rampart, whose fate resembles the legend of The Rainbow Six Siege, Lord Tachanka, will be officially changed on September 14.
Rampart is being made much more mobile with this update. Our character, who used to use a mini-“Sheila” from a fixed location, will now be able to carry this weapon in his hand. On the other hand, this version of the weapon will only have a certain amount of ammunition and will take a little longer to fire.
But that doesn’t mean you’re from a fixed minigun. If you like Rampart’s talent, you still have a chance to put your ult in a fixed spot. Let’s remember that minigun is not depleted in this case and can also be used by your teammates.