Monolith Productions, the maker of iconic games such as Middle-Earth, FEAR and Condemned, announced that David Hewitt was in charge of the studio. Hewitt has long been a key part of Sony’s Santa Monica studio. This change of ranks is of great importance to Monolith.
Hewitt, commissioned by Warner Bros Games, has been in the industry for many years. Hewitt, who was part of the team working on the original God of War, has since signed on to every God of War game. In fact, he is known to be an important part of the GoW game, which changed the course of the series in 2018.
This change is important to Monolith because the studio currently has multiple projects under consideration. Hewitt’s experience, along with the return of the legendary Condemned series, could be very good. We still haven’t forgotten the atmosphere and horror elements of the original game and the taste it left on the palate.