Announced on WitcherCon, the manga The Witcher Ronin Kickstarter project, based on an entirely alternative story, ended with a donation that exceeded the expectations of the production company CDPR. The project quickly raised $800,000. Users who donate to The Witcher: Ronin kickstarter project, launched in early September, will receive a variety of special editions, depending on the amount of donations.
The Witcher Ronin kickstarter project raised many times the targeted amount of donations
CD Projekt Red said in a statement posted on The Witcher twitter account that the targeted donation amount for The Witcher: Ronin was collected in just 2 hours and 16 minutes, 750% more than the company’s target. Under Kickstarter, donors will receive bonuses such as prints with different cover designs and extra short stories.
Despite being a millionaire gaming company, the CDPR explains why a fundraiser was launched on Kickstarter:
“We wanted to see if this new concept that Ronin and Witcher applied would attract fans of the series. The support for the squad meant we could add more great illustrators to the team to draw in this comic book.”
Despite the CDPR’s statement that “We wondered how much interest the project would attract,” one wonders why a millionaire company “needs” Kickstarter. Of course, fans of the series – worth $800,000 – weren’t afraid to show their love.