As Nvidia’s deep learning-based technologies DLSS and DLAA gradually become more widespread, the Youtube page MxBenchmarkPC shared a DLSS and DLAA comparison video for the game. In 1080P, 1440P and 4K resolution, and when the character is on the go, you may need to put your nose on the screen to tell the difference – at least for myself. Because the differences are quite subtle.
The differences between DLSS and DLAA are quite small
DLSS and DLAA support has been added to elder scrolls online’stest server. Earlier this week, Nvidia DLSS support reached more than 100 games. DLAA (Deep Learning Anti-Aliasing technology) is a system focused on keeping the difference unobtrusive by softening sharp edges and leding AI while playing at normal screen resolution of your computer, while DLSS reduces the resolution a little and increases the AI-oriented texture size.
MxBenchmarkPC tested the game with geforce RTX 3080 at maximum settings, without Depth Of Field and Motion Blur. More careful eyes may see a lot of difference than me, but the difference may become more pronounced when DLAA support is added to more up-to-date games.