Following increased interest in virtual currencies, Valve has reportedly banned all blockchain, crypto and NFT-based games on Steam.
SpacePirate Games,the developer of Age of Rust, a first-person adventure game that allows players to collect NFT’s after completing in-game puzzles, has announced that Steam will no longer release “crypto-based apps.” He said there had been a change in the situation.
SpacePirate Games said: “We have chosen to be frank about blockchain games and NFT’s. As a result, we lost the battle with Steam. While I am disappointed that Age of Rust has been removed, the issue is that all Blockchain games will be removed.”
While this is happening on the Steam side, the Epic Games Store has announced that it will continue to release Blockhain games. Epic Games boss Tim Sweeney posted on Twitter:“Epic Games will welcome Blockchain-based games provided they comply with the relevant laws, disclose their terms and age rating.”