Fatal Frame director Makoto Shibata said the interest in the remaster version of Fatal Frame: Maiden of the Black Water exceeded all predictions, while giving the green light to new remasters.
Shibata was asked if he had plans to port, remaster or remake other Fatal Framae games, to which he replied:
“This game was prepared for the 20th anniversary of the series, and at the moment we have no plans for other remaster versions. However, the reactions we received from everyone went beyond all our expectations, so I would like to consider the idea of continuing to do so.”
Shibata said that thanks to this game, many players on different platforms hope to be able to play this scary series. Indeed, Fatal Frame is one of the touchscreen series of the gaming world, but it’s fair to say that it can’t reach many players because of limited platforms. We hope shibata will bring a continuation of this green light, especially the first games of the main series will meet with PC and other platforms.