Niantic is adamant about keeping Pokemon GO up to date all the time. But we mustn’t forget the team’s mistakes. Yes, much of this criticism stems from the fact that the game entered our country years later. But Niantic insists it does not take most of the events out of smaller areas.
One of those events, Día de Muertos, the Day of the Dead, finally opens up to the world. This event, which has only been played in South America and the Caribbean in recent years, will officially open to the world later this year. The Daía de Muertos, an integral part of Mexican culture, will officially begin on November 1st.
Lure Module and Incense will increase to 90 minutes at the event, which runs until the night of November 2nd. Players will be able to get more stardust than any Pokemon they catch during the event. Players in Latin America and the Caribbean will get more candy for each transfer.