The Starward Industries studio, created by the developers of the old The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 and Dying Light, has released a new gameplay trailer for The Invincible. This new trailer gives us the first look at the game.
The Invincible is a first-person sci-fi thriller inspired by Stainslaw Lem’s novel of the same name with a retro futuristic theme.
Players will take on the role of a space scientist who wakes up on an alien planet called Regis III, embarking on a mysterious mission to find the missing crew. When you explore Regis III, you will see that the planet contains terrible secrets, and when you dig deeper, you will realize that you are not alone here, and you will wish you had never explored this planet. But it’s too late to go back now.
The Invincible will be released in 2022 for PC via PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and Steam.
Gameplay trailer