At the Red Bull M.E.O., where the third season world final was held in Turkey, this year players are playing their cards in PUBG Mobile and Wild Rift to change the balance of the game and prove that it is the best. The final qualifiers for the Red Bull M.E.O.”s Wild Rift leg will take place online this week from December 8-10-11-12. After qualifying, the teams that make it to the Play-Off round will compete for the Turkish Final on December 17th.
Red Bull M.E.O., one of the most competitive mobile gaming tournaments in the world, has been engulfed by the excitement of the fourth season. In the Red Bull M.E.O., where the third season world final was held in Turkey, players play pubg mobile and league of legends: wild rift. The teams participating in the tournament are fighting to reach the Play-offs in eight online qualifying rounds scheduled for both games. The final qualifiers for the Red Bull M.E.O’s Wild Rift leg will take place online this week from December 8-10-11-12. After qualifying, the teams that make it to the Play-Off round on December 15th will compete for the Turkish Final on December 17th. At Red Bull M.E.O., players who want to show off their skills can sign up for this adventure at