The return of The Matrix with its fourth film in years will see Keanu Reeves as Neo. In the interim, however, Keanu, as our brother John Wick, had left no hit man in the world. The fourth film in the series is on its way. The film’s official release date has also been announced, and a short announcement video has even been released. We return to the world of assassins with John Wick: Chapter 4, which will be released on March 24, 2023.
The John Wick Universe will continue not only with movies, but also with a series called Continental. Mel Gibson is also considering continuing the studio films that have somehow incorporated him into the universe. Of course, it’s unclear how much of the rest of this universe we’re going to see keanu reeves. However, according to reports, we will be watching at least one more film, John Wick, after the fourth film. Then we’ll have to wait and see if the name John Wick retires or is transferred to another person like James Bond.