Lego has announced that it will not release its Overwatch 2 Titan set, which it announced in mid-December, for now. The set, which is normally due to go on sale on February 1, has been postponed to an indefinite date after The Lego Group decided to review its relationship with Activision Blizzard.
As you know, Activision Blizzard is in serious trouble with accusations of sexual harassment and discrimination, and lawsuits are ongoing as some executives leave Activision Blizzard. This led various companies to evaluate their relationship with Activision Blizzard.
Lego spokesman Brick Fanaticssaid in a statement: “We are in the process of reviewing our partnership with Activision Blizzard, taking into account concerns about workplace culture and, in particular, the way it treats its female employees and the steps taken to create an inclusive and diverse working environment. We are pausing the release of The Lego Overwatch 2, which we plan to release on February 1, 2022, until our review is complete.”
In fact, events with Activision Blizzard date back to December, when The Lego Group made the announcement last month and made such a decision two weeks before the set’s release. Considering that Overwatch 2 has already been postponed, it wouldn’t make much sense to get the set out so early. So maybe The Lego Group is shooting two birds with one stone with this attitude.