Metaverse, a brand new universe where today’s advanced technology combines with virtual reality, opens the door to new opportunities with developed projects. Metafluence, a project at Metaverse aimed at bringing together opinion-leading influencers, audiences and interested brands through Metahuts, announced that they have agreed to incubate with BlueZilla and have set January 24 as the IDO date. IDO will take place on BSCpad, MetaVPad and NFTLaunch, the best launchpads in the BlueZilla ecosystem.
Next generation “Influencer Marketing”
Founded by Keepface, an automated influencer marketing platform that connects more than 500,000 influencers and more than 5000 brands, Metafluence breathes new life into “Influencer Marketing” efforts. In the project, opinion leaders will be able to share their lifestyles, interact with their target audiences, collect and exchange digital artworks (NFT) through Metahuts. They will also be able to collaborate with advertisers within Metafluence.
The focus of the project, Metahuts, is digital housing where influencers can come together with their own audiences and brands. Built like a private facility, these residences will be located in the heart of the city, close to plazas, shopping malls and other populated centers. Influencers will also have the freedom to customize and personalise their homes as they wish.
What’s going to happen with the Metahuts?
There are a limited number of Metahuts specially produced for influencers to take part in Metafluence. Influencers will have the freedom to customize and organize their Metahuts as they wish, with event, shopping and NFT rooms, as well as their own.
The Event Roomin the residences will be rooms that influencers can use to hold meetings, shows, presentations or to meet with their followers and organize various events. Influencers will be able to perform all their invitations and events in their digital residences.
The Shopping Room, as its name suggests, will be designed as a room where influencers can sell their own digital/physical products or promote the products of the brands they cooperate with and sell sponsored products. In addition, influencers will be able to meet with brands in these rooms to realize new sponsorship and cooperation agreements.
The NFT Room will be designed as a virtual gallery where influencers can showcase their digital assets and collections or perform their sales and exchanges. In addition, Metahuts will be developed and updated by their owners. In this way, virtual homeowners will be able to rearrange their Metahuts according to their needs and wishes.
Influencers to take their place in Metaverse with Metafluence
The project aims to bring together opinion leaders and brands from all over the world Regarding the details and vision of the project, Metafluence CEO Elvin Aziyev said, “Metafluence will be a virtual city where influencers, their most loyal audiences and brands live. As social media evolves into Metaverse, our vision is to create an influencer-centric ecosystem where influencers, audiences and brands are easily involved in transparent and encouraging relationships.”
The project, which has gained global attention, has already been announced, involving some high-profile influencers, including Evan Luthra, a well-known figure in the crypto world, and has already booked their Metahuts and taken their place in the project.
For detailed information, please visit the official website of the project.
Trailer video
press release