Hideki Kamiya, who directed cult games such as Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry, the first name that comes to mind when it comes to PlatinumGames, talked about Bayonetta 3 in an interview with IGN.
Kamiya advises players to play the first two games before getting involved in the third game.
Although he says it’s possible that even actors who have no idea about the series like Bayonetta 3, they’ll miss a lot if they don’t know the story that got them to this point.
“I’d rather you play Bayonetta 3 after playing the first two games,” says Kamiya. “We wrote the stories of the first two games in a way that you can enjoy, no matter which one you start with. In fact, if you start with Bayonetta 3, there’s no barrier to following the story and enjoying it.
But if you’ve played Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2, you’ll find this game much more interesting. So hopefully you can play the first two games to prepare yourself for game three.
If you don’t play the first two games, I think you’re going to miss a lot.”
Bayonetta 3 was first announced in 2017, while its first in-game trailer was released in September last year after four years of silence.