New details of the remake of Resident Evil 4 have emerged, with various rumors emerging before. The new rumors come from the Fanbyte report. According to the report, the Remake version of the game will include numerous changes.
Resident Evil 4 Remake will have a different structure than the original, according to the report. So it won’t offer a faithful production like the Previous Remakes. Some of the original version will be replaced to make it a little more eerie. In addition, the majority of the game will take place at night time.
New report on Resident Evil 4 Remake
– the village scene & a “decent portion of the game” take place at night now
– scarier & inspired by the RE4 betas
– side characters have bigger roles
– Ada’s campaign will be expanded
– possible early 2022 reveal— Nibel (@Nibellion) February 10, 2022
Meanwhile, According to Fanybyte’s sources, Capcom will announce Resident Evil 4 Remake in early 2022. However, the announcement may be postponed to a later date due to development issues and the global pandemic.