Although the battle royale genre’s fire is fading, a mysterious el continues to burn apex legends. Despite being on the market for three years, the game, which has gained popularity once again with its arrival on Steam, continues to break records. Apex Legends broke its own record this time.
Apex Legends, which saw an increase in the number of players with the arrival of Season 12, broke its own record once again on February 19th. Apex Legends has managed to reach 393,116 players on Steam with the new season and has been rising on the platform for nearly a year.
Apex Legends; On the other hand, it is safe to say that Apex Legends is one of the games that benefits the most from EA;in Steam decision. Apex Legends, which has been on top of each season since Season 9, has renewed its record three times in a year.
Let’s also mention that the game is played by many console players. Still, EA is not willing to share these figures.