Steam organizes different events from time to time, you know. One of these events, Next Fest 2022, began last night. As part of the week-long event, you can play demos of hundreds of games and learn about the games through live broadcasts from producers.
The first of two Next Fest events this year, it features over 700 demos. So you’re probably surprised which one you’re looking at:)
I usually start by checking if the games on my watchlist have demos or not. Then I take a look at what’s new and expand my follow-up list a little further (as if it wasn’t bloated enough:)). I don’t know what kind of path you guys are going to take, but you’re going to find a few games to your tastes.
You can check out the following page to see which games are featured in the festival, which runs until the evening of February 28th. If you like it too much, don’t forget to share it with us, okay?