Agony Unrated, an uncensored version of the adult game Agony, released in 2018, has been mysteriously removed from Steam. Agony Unrated , the uncensored version of Agony, a sexually charged version of agony in which we control a spirit trying to escape from hell, was released at the end of 2018 and was given free of charge to those who already own the game. Neither Agony game met expectations financially.
Adult Game Agony Unrated mysteriously removed from Steam
Madmind Games, the game’s producer, said in a blog post that both Agony games have been removed by Steam:
“As most of you know, if you bought Agony back in the day, Agony was added to your library for free at Unrated. This was something we had planned from the beginning and nothing has changed in our policy,” the studio said in a statement.
“However, as you know, such games face certain challenges on the Steam platform. Unfortunately, we don’t know why games are removed from Steam and we can’t add them back with our own facilities. We are in discussions with Steam’s support line and hope to reach a conclusion that will please everyone.”
However, on the Steam forums, players blamed Madmind Studios for the game’s removal and began posting negative reviews of the game.