Valve’s new console, the Steam Deck, dropped like a bomb. Gabe Newell’s new console, handed out by hand , of course brought with it some problems. The game compatibility of the system in particular seems to give you a headache in its first days. Destiny 2, one of the games that does not offer Steam Deck support, will take a different route.
Bungie’s official website said the game does not offer Steam Deck support. The developer identified players who tried to enter the game using SteamOS or Protons on the Steam Deck and said they were returned to the home screen. But those who insist on entering the game are expecting a bigger surprise.
Bungie also noticed players using third-party software to run Destiny 2 on the Steam Deck, and shared that he would ban them.
Steam Deck seems to have trouble with online games in particular. Many producers say the platform will make their games open to cheating. We know that apex legends is the only game currently trying to solve this problem. It looks like it’s about to open the doors to the popular battle royale, steam deck.