Final Fantasy 14 Steam users cannot enter the game. Square Enix’s newly introduced security measures seem to have put the game under a little too much security. The company announced the new Final Fantasy XIV Steam account binding feature after a lengthy maintenance process of FF 14. Following this change, players were required to connect their Steam and Square Enix accounts.
Unable to enter Final Fantasy 14 Steam version
Square Enix said they were taking this as an extra security measure. However, some players were not satisfied that Steam had to be open at all times in the back, while others said it caused problems with game plugins. But according to users on Reddit, after this update, most players can’t go beyond the home screen.
One player states that he used the Steam version of the game and was able to enter the game comfortably before this security measure was added, but could not enter the game at this time and received a “Technical error occurred” error. Players have no choice but to leave the game after receiving this error. Another problem is that users who use special characters on the Stem account are unable to connect their accounts.