Blizzard Entertainment has released an Overwatch 2 update with game director Aaron Keller. In this update, it was announced that the first PvP closed beta test for the sequel, announced in November 2019, will be held in late April. Click here to register.
Overwatch 2 is a sequel to Blizzard Entertainment’s acclaimed team-based game that will be set around the world. Sitting on the battle-infused foundations of the original game, Overwatch 2 transfers everything players get to a whole new era of competition and team play.
In PvP modes, you will compete against other players, discover the Overwatch universe in a completely collaborative way with a whole new perspective, the heroes of the world will join forces, level up and fight together against the threats that surround the planet.
Overwatch 2 is currently being developed for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch and PC.
Trailer video