Epic Games, which recently announced that Fortnite will donate its revenues to Ukraine from March 20 to April 3, has officially announced its massive first-day turnover. The $36 million in revenue that comes with the start of the season will be passed on to aid funds in Ukraine.
Together we’ve already raised $36 million USD for humanitarian relief for Ukraine. The funds will go to @UNICEF, @WFP, @Refugees, @DirectRelief. pic.twitter.com/JQESsGxDVt
– Fortnite (@FortniteGame) March 21, 2022
Fortnite, which welcomed its new season with yesterday’s announcement, raised $36 million on its first day. According to a statement from Fortnite’s official account, the donation was made in 2012. It will go to charities such as the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, Direct Relief and the World Food Programme.
As mentioned above, Epic Games will transfer all revenues it collects to the funds it has determined by April 3. Likewise, Xbox will donate all of its fortnite revenues to designated institutions during this time.