Resident Evil Village was one of the best games of the past year. It may have divided fans of the series, with some liking this new path adopted, others thinking it wasn’t in keeping with the spirit of the series. But in the end, there was a very good job in the technical sense and it’s a fun game to play.
If the allegations prove true, the game, which is set to celebrate its 1st year, could soon join the Game Pass game. According to information posted on the XGP website from Poland; The Polish version of the Xbox Store had a sign on the Resident Evil Village page that the game was among the Game Pass games. Although this phrase was removed from the page in question within minutes, they managed to take a screenshot.
This may also be due to a technical error. The other possibility is that it’s actually coming to Game Pass, and it’s been announced prematurely. We’ll see which one’s right in the coming days, we’re on track.