The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s space-widening team is preparing to say goodbye to its third film, Guardians of the Galaxy, at least for a while. James Gunn, the director of the series, says that at every turn this new film will be different from the others in atmosphere. The farewell vibe of the third film is reflected on the set. Speaking to fans on social media, Gunn said there were plenty of tears on the set of the new film.
“How’s the mood on set?” “To be honest, they’re all great. I love the players and the whole team, but there’s also a great air of unhappiness. Almost every day there are tears of knowing that this is the last Guardians film for almost all of us.” Gunn, who answered, once again marked an emotional farewell. I expect we’ll see plenty of changes in in-team dynamics after Avengers: Endgame. On top of that, adapting these new dynamics to a farewell movie means plenty of tears for fans.
Of course, it will be very difficult for the MCU to suddenly take cosmic material like Guardians of the Galaxy out of the equation. Perhaps with the third film, new cosmic content like Nova Corps will begin to be incorporated into the universe, and once the Multiverse craze calms down a bit, we may have the chance to land deep in space with Aquarius Head. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. will be released on May 5, 2023. 3 will be the end of another MCU era.