Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2, released for PlayStation 4 in Japan and Asia in 2018 and playstation 4 worldwide in 2019, and met with PlayStation 5 players in January 2021, has so far been one of the remaining games on PlayStation.
Bandai Namco, the game’s publisher, and B.B. Studio, its developer, announced that this free-to-play battle action game will also meet PC gamers via Steam.
The game’s network test will take place from April 14 to April 17, followed by another test from April 21 to April 24. Based on the results of these tests, we can assume that the release date will not be very long.
The description of the game on the Steam page is as follows:
This is a free-to-play action game inspired by Universal Century’s “Mobile Suit Gundam” series, in which teams fight.
Join your comrades to defend your planet in this realistic, massive battlefield spanning earth and space!
■ Online battles up to 6;6
You’ll be able to play in 6;6 online team battles against players from all over the world!
■ Infantry Battle
So MS isn’t the only hero on the battlefield?!
Leave MS to place a bomb at your opponent’s base and call in artillery support to escalate the battlefield!
Infantry battle sometimes unlocks the path to victory!
■ Buy and Customize MS
After a battle, use the XP you’ve won to improve your MS; or spend your tokens to win stronger MS’s through the lottery!
And you can develop and customize your favorite MS!
■ Home Base
Online lobby where you can play with players from all over the world!
As a pilot, you can strengthen your MS on the base and prepare for battles. While doing so, you can interact with your companions on the road!
The Steam page of Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2 is at.