Sales of Guardians of the Galaxy, an action adventure story game presented to players by publisher Square Enix and developer Eidos Montreal in October 2021, fell short of expectations. To recover from this, the team incorporated the game into the Xbox Game Pass platform.
Senior story director Mary DeMarle said in an interview with Eurogamer that the number of players increased considerably after the game was added to Xbox Game Pass.
DeMarle added: “The important thing for me is to create and present the game. Game Pass in particular has benefited greatly at the point of presentation. In this way, many players had the opportunity to experience the game. It’s great that so many actors have experienced this production. It is also gratifying that the number continues to increase.”
In jean-francois dugas, senior creative director, he said: “We always want to sell the game we make to millions. But things don’t always go their way.
Is Guardians of the Galaxy taking us on a great journey? Does it give us a different experience? Is it worth wasting your time? To be honest, I see this game as worth our time.
I’m not remorseful or unhappy. We did everything we could, but that’s the way it is.”
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is currently available on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.