In 1999, when I was making a pillow ball and running the house upside down, I was grabbed by the arm and taken to The Phantom Manace. This may have reshaped my interests all my life. Obi-Wan Kenobi, who I first saw in that film, was one of my first idols to be taken as a fictional character. The name Kenobi, along with the entire galaxy, gave me hope. If you’re ready, let’s take a short trip through Obi-Wan Kenobi’s life;
Obi-Wan, who was born on a planet called Stewjon, was chosen by the Jedi Council because of his sensitivity to power at a very young age. Little Kenobi, who went to Coruscant to become a Jedi, first learned the meaning and paths of power from Yoda. He later became a student of Master Genie Drallig in lightsaber fighting techniques as the weapon of a more civilized age. As a Youngling, he managed to attract attention with his great potential and unruly form. His outlier attitude also caught the attention of Qui-Gon Jinn, perhaps the most outlier Jedi Master in the Star Wars complex.
Obi-Wan, who was chosen as the Padawan by Qui-Gon, also saw in person that being a Jedi is not just sitting on the council and philosophizing. Bring together qui-gon’s teachings and his own style, and from the moment he made his first lightsaber, Kenobi’s future was now certain. Along with Qui-Gon, the young Obi participated in numerous missions in vast corners of the galaxy, and in one of these missions he met Satine Kryze, one of the most special names in his life. When I first met him, the Sith started coming out from behind the scenes. Obi-Wan’s first and most special enemy, who will be involved in the separatist invasion of Naboo first as a mediator and then as a savior, also appeared here.
Kenobi, who fought Darth Maul, who killed Master Qui-Gon, with one of the finest music in the Star Wars complex, thought maul had gotten rid of him forever by cutting off his legs. I don’t know if I should say the naivet of these Jedi or the unpredictability. Tatooine had a special bond with the young Anakin Skywalker, whom he met, and on his return to Coruscant, Qui-Gon chose him as his legacy, changing the fate of the entire universe. As anakin prepared for both life and Jediism, the coming great battle would lead to the redistribution of cards in the universe.
How Does Our Obi Wan Fight? Obi-Wan Kenobi has an unbending wrist in lightsaber fights. He’s one of the greatest Jedi Masters ever, and there’s a lot of savings behind it. The famous sword should be held at head level and pointed two fingers, the name of the posture is Form 3 – Soresu. But that’s not the only trick in Master Kenobi’s pocket. Qui-Gon’s pre-duel with Maul was a specialty of Kenobi, an Ataru form that was more aggressive in line with Qui-Gon’s teachings. However, Kenobi, who added Soresu to his arsenal because he was more balanced after Darth Maul killed his master, had a great reputation for lightsaber duels in the galaxy. |
Even Mace Windu, one of the biggest names in this regard, has repeatedly praised Kenobi’s lightsaber abilities and stated them as equivalent to himself. Kenobi, who has mastered Soresu and Ataru’s own forms over time, has a great duel awareness that beats his enemies at every turn. The name Kenobi became a source of fear throughout the Sith realm, as he could foresee his opponent’s every move and had such a large arsenal.
The Clone Wars were perhaps the peak of Obi-Wan Kenobi, or General Kenobi (Hello there!), as we heard more often at the time. Kenobi, who fought swords with various enemies such as Count Dooku, General Grevious and Asajj Ventress on behalf of the Republic, is unlikely to describe his sadness at the end of the day. Because when the Clone Wars ended, Palpatine gathered power in her hand, Anakin crossed into the dark side, and there was a wreck left of the Republic, which he swore to protect. But where Obi-Wan Kenobi was, hopes never ended, they just changed shape.
After anakin’s two children, Leia and Luke, were decided to come, Luke went to Tatooine to look after him and moved in under the name Ben. Once death star’s plans were compromised, kenobi had one last mission left. To finish what he started, to end vader and the emperor’s empire of fear. When Han Solo went to Death Star with young Luke and Chewie, we saw Kenobi physically for the last time. The former Padawan, anakin, whom he loved like his brother, now managed to give hope to Luke and the universe in his last fight with Darth Vader. Although he later intervened remotely in Luke’s training as Force Ghost, the Legend of Kenobi ended up like this as a canon.
If it wasn’t for Disney, which has always taken my favorite parts out of Canon under the name Legends for Star Wars, I’d want to tell you the story of Ben Skywalker here today. However, we no longer have Mara Jade Skywalker (Luke’s wife) nor Ben Skywalker (Luke;’s child). Instead of dozens of great characters like these, we have a teenage big Kylo Ren and Rey, who thinks he’s Skywalker. Anyway, at least with the Disney+ series on the horizon, I’m hoping we’ll have more insight into Kenobi’s Tatooine years. Until the next article, let the power be with all of us.
Jedi Man Doesn’t Have a Love Life (?!) The planet Mandalore has always been the scene of significant events within the Star Wars Universe. For the young Obi-Wan, this home planet of the Mandalors was an unforgettable place. When he and Qui-gon went to Mandalore to protect Duchess Satine Kryze, Kenobi’s Jedi future was just beginning and could have ended before it started. A love that sprouted while protecting Satine Kryze from various bounty hunters was perhaps the first spark of Kenobi’s grief-filled life. A love story that escapes from bounty hunters and begins with constant life-threatening injuries would best suit Obi-Wan. Although more than anything, satine wanted to stay with him and live his love life, jedi code outweighed him. |
Fate was either obi-wan by Kenobi’s sworn enemy Darth Maul, and Satine, who died in his arms, carried a great wound in every sense. Obi-Wan Kenobi, who, even during this event, has shown the resilience to the dark side, is, in my opinion, the greatest figure in Jedi history. May the power always be with you, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you are hope.