The exact date of Microsoft Flight Simulator’s highly anticipated Top Gun: Maverick DLC has been announced since last year. With the postponement of the release date of the film of the same name, the date of the DLC coming to Microsoft Flight Simulator had changed. Accordingly, the release date for this new DLC of the game was announced as May 27, 2022.
But interestingly, this release date seems to have been slightly pushed forward because a message from the xbox’s official Twitter account stated that the DLC’s release date is May 25.
“Attention of flight simulators. This is your captain. Top Gun: Maverick experience in Microsoft Flight Simulator will take flight on 25/5! You still don’t have your own pager? Create it now!” He says in the message.
Microsoft says that thanks to the Top Gun: Maverick expansion, players will feel to the fullest what it’s like to be a Top Gun pilot. I think Top Gun is one of Tom Cruise’s best films, and I’m very hopeful about this new one. Therefore, I am automatically hopeful of the expansion package of MFS:)