Samuel “Sam” Porter Bridges (real name Norman Reedus), who appeared as the main character in the action-adventure mystery game Death Stranding, said the second game was on the way. In an interview with Leo Edit on May 17, Reedus made several statements about Death Stranding, stating that the game is under development for the latter.
Here are some excerpts from the interview:
– The Walking Dead’s End?? season. Did you then say spinoff and video game, and now you step in for the sequel to Death Stranding?
Reedus: Yes, we just started the second game of the game.
– How did your breakthrough in the gaming industry happen?
Reedus: Guillermo Del Toro, who gave me the first film offer, called me. Hey, a guy named Hideo Kojima is going to call you. He just said yes. I said what do you mean, stop tinkering, he just said yes to the offer that came.
Then I found myself in San Diego. Hideo came with a large group of people and showed me what game he was working on. He showed a game called Silent Hill. I was very impressed by what he showed. And I said, yes, let’s do this. “
Death Stranding is currently available for PlayStation 4 and PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store. The Death Stranding Director’s Cut version is available for PlayStation 5 and PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store.