Offering a high-performance gaming experience to its users, Monster Notebook’s new Experience Store and Technical Service Center on the European Side of Istanbul opened its doors to technology and gaming enthusiasts as of June 9, 2022.
At the opening event, which was held with the participation of technology sector stakeholders and members of the press, the latest developments in Monster Notebook laptops and PUSAT brand accessories were shared.
In his speech, Monster Notebook Founder and CEO İlhan Yılmaz touched on the brand’s applications on the axis of user experience and said:
“As a brand that aims to be together with its users for a lifetime and takes its strength from being in one-to-one contact with its users, we strive to be almost there for technology enthusiasts. We serve our customers all over Turkey through our experience stores in Kadıköy, Ankara and Izmir, our digital store and other digital channels. We serve Europe through our Berlin showroom, which operates as Europe’s largest experience store, and through our digital channels, to Cyprus through our store in Nicosia and to the Middle East geography through our office in Dubai. We attach great importance to the fact that technology enthusiasts come to our stores and test our products one-on-one, with the game or program they wish, and that they can determine the most suitable configurations for them by talking about their experiences with our expert teams. That’s why we offer our users a personalized experience.
In addition, we provide superior quality technical service to Monster Notebook users in case of any maintenance or repair, which we limit to a maximum of 3 working days. Currently, the average service time in our technical services is 1.8 days. In addition, Monster Notebook owners have their computers serviced by bringing their computers to our technical services every year or by sending them with free shipping every 6 months under our Lifetime Maintenance Guarantee.
As Monster Notebook, we closely follow the needs and expectations of our users and make continuous improvements to meet their expectations and demands in the best way. For some time, we have been receiving requests for a new Experience Store and Technical Service Center for our users on the European side, both through social media platforms and in our one-on-one meetings. Considering the fact that 60 percent of our users in Istanbul live on the European Side, we have commissioned this new center in order to offer the privileges we provide to technology enthusiasts to our users on the European Side more closely. In this new center, which we plan to be easily accessible with its location near Beşyol Metrobus stop on the E5 Highway, there is also a production center with a capacity of producing 50 thousand laptops per year in addition to experience areas and technical service.”
The final of the Monster Masters CS:GO tournament will be held on Saturday, June 11 at the European Side Experience Store!
Monster’s new home on the European Side will also host award-winning gaming events. The final event of the Monster Masters CS:GO tournament, the first of these events, will take place on Saturday, June 11 at 12.00 with the participation of the popular game publisher Mete Özbey “Easter GamersTV”. For detailed information about the event, you can visit Monster Notebook’s website or social media channels.