For the
DC/WB partnership nothing seems to be the same after Zack Snyder;s Justice League. With the positive vibe created by the new version, the partnership started to attract fans again and also managed to excite the gamers. In the universe Joe Manganiello who plays Slade Wilson;i.e. Deathstroke;, has a great idea for his own character . Aware that streaming services are gaining strength, Manganiello wants an HBO Max series for Deathstroke.&
"HBO Max; a Deathstroke origin series. I really think it would be a lot of fun and people would love that. Besides, there’s nothing like it around right now. The series can have its own unique tone and its own unique place in the universe. To me, this can be quite fun and unique in tone.” manganiello has openly submitted his request to the world and the authorities. The successful actor, who has also received a very positive feedback from fans, can play Deathstroke for a longer period of time.
The first details and motivation of Deathstroke starring Ben Affleck; Batman the chief villain of the film, Snyder Cut; The biggest disappointment was the new Batman movie, which we knew would never come after seeing this scene. Who knows, maybe after this series of origins we’ll see Slade Wilson and face off against Robert Pattinson;batman?