Recently, Dragon’s Dogma director Hideaki Itsuno hosted the 10 Years of Dragon’s Dogma live streaming event. At this event, new information about the Dragon’s Dogma series was given, as well as the announcement that Dragon’s Dogma II is currently in development. Upon these developments, the players decided to play Dragon’s Dogma again, and the game reached the highest number of players in the last six years.
First released in January 2016, Dragon’s Dogma reached the highest number of concurrent players on Sunday with 6,582 people, according to Steam DB (spotted by Benji-Sales).
At the time of the release of Dragon’s Dogma, Day Z, Hunt: Showdown and Sea of ?? Like Thieves, he was among the top 50 most popular games.
On the other hand, with the surprise announcement of Dragon’s Dogma II, Itsuno gave fans a first glimpse of what will happen in the series. The second game stars Itsuno and former Dragon’s Dogma employees Daigo Ikeno and Kenichi Suzuki. It is stated that more details about the game will be published in the future.