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Although Fallout 4 is not the best game of the series, it has successfully reflected the atmosphere of the post-apocalyptic world. Yesterday there was a good development for Fallout 4 players. This development was an expected mode trailer. It was also announced that there is a team working on a very ambitious expansion in the game.
Fallout: London mode trailer released
According to the video posted on YouTube, Fallout : London mode will take place in the British capital and will be a special content for Fallout 4. This video represents the official announcement trailer of the mode. Although there is no exact release date yet, according to the trailer, London is expected to come out in 2023. In this mode, we will discover new cultures and also learn about the history of pre-war Europe.
Gameplay footage of Fallout: London mode has already been released. Set in Europe’s biggest cities, this mode looks quite inspiring. The story of mode 5 2. It will take place close to World War II and there will be weapons. The official page says that gun use will be less, and some aspects of the game will encourage the use of more melee weapons.
Considering that Fallout 4, the last single-player game in the series, came out in 2015, most players are waiting for a new game. For now, eye-catching modes like Fallout: London are being designed for Fallout fans, although Fallout 4 is one of the best-selling Bethesda games to date, but it still hasn’t reached a sales figure like Skyrim. Although the fact that the new Fallout mode will take place outside of America has excited game lovers, we do not know what will happen in the future.