Isonzo, a first-person shooter production that is a sequel to the First World War game Verdun, has been announced. Developed by M2H and Blackmill Games from Verdun and Tannenberg, the game will be available on PC, PS5, PS4, XSX and XBX.
Coming as a sequel to Verdun
The production will be on the Italian front of the First World War and will focus on the “Alpine wars”. The developers describe the FPS’s environment as follows: “The conflict takes place between the peaks, rugged valleys and idyllic towns of northern Italy. The all-new Attack game mode puts players right in the middle of major historic attacks on the Italian Front. It covers fierce battles from the hills of the Alps to the area on the Isonzo river.
Especially in The 2nd. At a time when the World War II games were inflation, world war one was a time of highs. These productions, prepared for the World’s Dawn, are the kind that, like many actors, make us droole. Although it does not appear at the levels we want in terms of graphics, it seems to be among the productions that must be looked at, considering the enjoyment we have received from the previous productions of the company. You can watch the video of the game below.
Battles of Isonzo
Twelve battles between the Italian and Austro-Hungarian armies along the Isonzo River on the Italian Front during World War I. There are also many stories in the wars that took place between June 1915 and November 1917. Before Italy went to war, the Austrians had gained a great advantage over the Italians by erecting towering walls on both sides of the river. The italian army, led by General Luigi Cardona, began its first attack on the Austrians on June 23rd. The Italians spent 14 days trying to cross the river and hold on to the opposite hills, but each time they were pushed back.