Tower of Fantasy, the open-world role-playing game developed by Hotta Studio and published by Level Infinite, will meet players in the third quarter of 2022.
Pre-registrations of the game, which will be released for PC and mobile devices, have also been opened. Players who pre-register will also have the chance to own some limited-edition items.
Hotta Studio has also followed a different path for pre-registration gifts. The more players pre-register for the game, the more gifts and the rarity of the gifts will be given. The reward levels are 500 thousand, 1 million, 1.5 million, 2 million and 2.5 million players. Details can be found here.
The game, which is available on Steam and the Epic Games Store for PC, draws attention with its anime-heavy graphic style reminiscent of Genshin Impact. In the game, which will combine science fiction and fantasy, we will go to a distant planet called Aida hundreds of years from now.