Christian Bale, who moved to Marvel after playing DC’s locomotive character Batman/Bruce Wayne, is preparing to be the villain this time. The character of Bale, who will play Gorr the God Butcher in Thor: Love and Thunder, which will be directed by Taika Waititi, has changed for an interesting reason.
Speaking to IGN, director Taika Waititi said, “Gorr;s face in the comics was unfortunately like Voldemort. So I thought, people will automatically connect once in a while. So we decided to move away from the design there by preserving the tones and elements in the comic. He also had a sword. But what really mattered was Gorr’s story, and that was the most important thing for us.” clarified the situation. Indeed, Harry Potter fans would produce a lot of Voldemort humor if we saw a Gorr like in the comics. Even in its pleasant current form, it is quite possible to establish a similarity in between.
We first saw Gorr in comics in 2012 in the second issue of the Thor: God of Thunder series, written by Jason Aaron and illustrated by Assad Ribic. Maybe he’s a new character that’s only 10 years old, but he’s a name that can give Thor and all the MCU gods fearful moments, especially with his backstory. Thor: Love and Thunder, adorned with the Butcher of God, hits theaters on July 8 .