Now we can worry about his future for the Assassin’s Creed series. Senior writer Darby McDavitt, who has signed on to many of the series’ plays, announced yesterday that he is leaving the Ubisoft Montréal studio after 10 years. As a result, the series lost two major lorekeepers.
Where does the Assassin’s Creed series go?
McDavitt, who has written for assassin’s Creed Valhalla, AC4: Black Flag, AC Revelations, Unity, Origins, and more, is now leaving Ubisoft Montréal. In a statement on his Twitter account, he announced:
“Today is my last day at Ubisoft Montreal!
After working with great people for ten years, creating an incredible array of stories and characters, and communicating with our wonderful fans, I decided to embark on a new adventure.
I would like to express a special thank you to all the fans and creators who have supported and spread our work over the years. Thank you for your concern! With the deepest respect and admiration. It’s been an honor to know so many of you.”
McDavitt posted the news of the breakup on his Twitter account yesterday but did not say where he would work in the future. The author’s departure from Ubisoft means the loss of two major loremasters for the Assassin’s Creed series. Lead writer Corey May, who was behind the first play and several ac games that followed, also left the company in 2015.
While the series was on its journey to Ubisoft Montreal, we also saw that some of the sequels came from studios in Quebec and Sofia. The latest release, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, was released at the end of last year and was signed by studios Ubisoft Montreal and Milan.
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According to the latest news, the studio is currently working to resolve the errors in the final game of the series. Although they managed to solve almost all of the major problems in the game with a few major updates they released, new updates began to bring new problems behind them. Don’t forget to read our review as you’re curious about the latest game in the Viking-themed series. Finally, how do you assess the impact of the departure of this important author on the series? You can state your feedback in the comments section at the bottom.
See Our Review of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla