The local team has announced new details for The Purge, a horror thriller with a first-person camera angle developed by OG Games Entertainment. It is stated that the game, which is currently under development, will last 16 hours. The game is also being developed with the Unreal Engine 5 engine.
Horror games usually come across in the form of walking simulation. In the game we can only make moves to trigger something or to escape. But The Purge wants to go beyond that.
The game features a counter-response to enemies. You can oppose enemies with these weapons you will have in your hands. A small trailer video will be released this month, and more features are planned to be included in the game.
In this development phase, which starts with good ideas, various aspects of the game are also discussed. The Purge also aims to take advantage of next-generation technologies: NVIDIA DLSS,NIS,RTX,AMD FSR 2.0. DLSS technology has been adapted to the game and the results have arrived. On the AMD side, work is still ongoing.
In the game, players control a mountaineer named Colsen. It is stated that in this production, which has a high variety of places, attention is paid to the variety of enemies. It is reported that each enemy in the game will also have different weaknesses.
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